English (United States)
Reentry is a space flight simulation game where you control a realistic spaceship and have to complete various missions in the vacuum of space. You create a new astronaut, and gain levels and experience for every move you make.
You decide the level of difficulty. Do you want to fly in arcade mode, where you play from a 3rd person perspective using simple controls and mechanics?
Or do you want to have control of every single component in the spaceship, from every fuse, switch, gauge to the electric system, pyrotechniques, to configuring the flight modes, autopilot, environmental control?
Either way, an interactive tutorial and reading material will help you get started and operate the spacecraft at an advanced level.
In Pro mode or Historic mode, you get to fly both the Mercury Spacecraft and the Gemini Spacecraft almost like the real thing. Every fuse and switch is modelled. Using the mouse, you can change the configuration of the capsule, take control, decide how the autopilot will work, control the electrical system, talk with mission control or just enjoy the silence of space.
If you play the game in Pro mode, always be prepared for system failures.
The custom double precision physics engine and the orbital mechanics are in constant development, and will get even more advanced as the game is being developed.
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I had to wait over an hour! by ryan
I called dominos at roughly 9:40 pm trying to order some chicken wings. I was pretty hammered from drinking martinis with my pals from the Trans-Social club of Bolivia. After nearly 30 minutes of waiting I had eaten the rear legs off of my dachshund and I was considering going for the front ones. I called the manager at dominos and that bitch Sasha hung up on me! That was unacceptable. I called back with the ferocity of a Bengal tiger. Upon connecting with the manager for the second time I kindly informed her that I could have baked those chicken wings on my taint with much more haste... I was dismayed at the service! When the delivery driver finally arrived over an hour and a half after ordering the wings we had a nice little chat and left him a good tip for being such a nice guy. I then proceeded to scarf down nearly 40 chicken wings!!! Needless to say my toilet is in for a pounding in the morning. Then I downloaded this game and its pretty alright.
great game but by Trent
I love the game it slef its every thing a space sim should have but when I play pro and try to do the second project the space craft dosent take off it falls in the world instead plz fix this but over all I love game
Perfect by Martin
Good Game
Great game by Patrick
I like this game its got awesome graphics and a great simulation but you need a pretty good computer to play it
GOOD GAME by veronica
it is asome it just lags a lot
has great potential by evan
has a few bugs they need to work out before it is in alpha. still great game!