RC-AirSim - RC Model Airplane Flight Sim

English (United States)
Learn to fly r/c model airplanes with this advanced realistic flight simulator! Fly with Mouse, Keyboard, Touch, or Xbox 360 Controller.
FREE TRIAL does not expire and features 2 beginner model airplanes with unlimited flying!
RC-AirSim is a favorite of radio-controlled model airplane pilots worldwide because it excels where it matters most: realistic flight dynamics and aerodynamics! Tired of "simulators" that feel unrealistic and fly like an arcade game? Try RC-AirSim! Experienced R/C pilots say that RC-AirSim feels and flies like an actual r/c model airplane! R/C pilots, don't let your skills get rusty when you are away from the flying field: practice with RC-AirSim. New to the hobby of r/c model airplanes? Learn on RC-AirSim first and make the maiden flight of your first r/c plane a successful one.
RC-AirSim features:
· 9 r/c model airplanes to fly including: F-15 Fighter Jet, WWI Biplane, Glider, Electric Parkflyer, Aerobatic Planes, and a Trainer. · Realistic r/c model airplane flight aerodynamics based on NASA flight simulation technology. · Awesome Crashes! Planes break apart in a realistic physics-based manner. · Accurate Landings and Ground Handling. · 3 View Options - R/C, Following (Chase cam), and Onboard camera. Tap camera icon to change. · 4 Channel Controls - aileron, elevator, rudder, throttle. · Optional On-screen Transmitter Sticks. · Fly with Mouse, Keyboard, Touch, or Xbox 360 Controller. · 3 control modes: Mode 2 (default), Mode 1, and 3 Channel. · Field objects to avoid and fly behind. (Not just a panoramic background photo environment.) · Doppler-correct sound. · Get flying quickly! No slow, tedious menus or multiple load screens.
RC-AirSim comes with these r/c model airplanes:
· F-15 Regal Eagle Large gas powered ducted fan military jet. 4 Channel control.
· WWI Flying Ace 1 and 2 Electric scale biplane based on the historic World War I Fokker D.VII. Moving control surfaces and spinning prop. Comes with two paint schemes: Red/White or Blue/Green Lozenge. 4 Channel control.
· Back 40 Trainer Classic 4 channel high-wing trainer with plenty of dihedral for beginners. Powered by a .40 size gas engine.
· Slowmowatt Electric park flyer. Flies very slow so there is plenty of time to react. Easiest to fly! Perfect for beginners using the 3 Channel control scheme. 4 channel control available.
· Double Helix Low wing electric sport plane. A great choice for beginning aerobatics. 4 Channel control.
· Madster EDF Small sport scale electric ducted fan military jet. 4 Channel control.
· Super Dee Large high wing tail-dragger aerobatic sport plane. Gas powered. Great for low inverted passes! 4 Channel control.
· Emerald Glider Classic 2-meter wingspan glider. 4 Channels - use the 'throttle' channel to adjust your drag. For rudder/elevator controls only (no ailerons), fly using 3 Channel control scheme.
Please Note: RC-AirSim is a realistic r/c model airplane flight simulator, NOT an arcade game. And like a real model airplane, it will take some practice to master the basics. Luckily, in RC-AirSim, plane crashes are free (and fun)!
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Don't hesitate to contact the developer directly:
rc-airsim.com Facebook: facebook.com/rcairsim Twitter: twitter.com/rc_airsim email: [email protected]
Happy Landings!
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Fun! Additional Features Would Be Nice! by Adrian
Would love to see additional features like color customization of planes and different maps! Love it so far, though!
awesome game! by candy
Nice. Just it should be a little more easier. And I wish I get more planes.
RC Air Sim Plus by Unknown
I love the planes and the camera angles and feelin of being in control. Would like to see one or two more air fields and flying at dusk with landing lights on runway and planes, two more war planes. Also a longer runway.
IS I by Dennis