English (United States)
This weather App warns you about rain or snow approaching your location using push notifications. It also displays and animates on a world map the latest radar images from many weather services around the world.
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by George
When you open the app the radar animation takes a long time to load. Also, I think we should be able to set more accurate parameters within the app settings. Checking if there is rain within a 12 mile radius is too far. I frequently get alerts because of this but never actually see any rain as it is just passing through north of the city. Otherwise I think the app is a good start. Getting alerts when rain is nearby is a really cool feature to have on my phone. Thanks!
by User
Sitting here in the rain. . . Guess what alarm isn't going off. That's right, this one! Waste of space.
by Kullanıcı
Not working...
Best rain alerts by Gavin
Latest update is major improvement. I changed the notification sound to give a gentle announcement when rain threatens.
by sharon
Is anybody there? Was good at first....now no notification toast...sucks.
by hector
Very good
by Ronnie
I love simple apps (relatively speaking) and this one is great!
by Chris
Just seen this mention on @BBCWebscape twitter. Nice one! Great app too