English (United States)
F1 World is now Racing World. At a glance, Racing World is a sport app designed for Windows Phone. It provides the user with the instant News updates regarding all the latest happening in Formula One. News related to your favorite F1 teams, drivers, teams, and circuits, all can be viewed from Racing World. Racing World is incorporated with built-in browser, graphical map presentation, RSS News feeds related to F1 industry, and much more. Choice of News Feeds from - Espnf1.com - Crash.net - BBC f1 - Formula1.com - And more… Current Features - Latest News of Formula 1 - Built-in timer for the next F1 Race - News related to your favorite F1 drivers, teams, race tracks, race schedules etc. - Race Circuit along with graphical presentation. - Mark/ Unmark the RSS feed from where you would like to read the News. - Preview window for each News along with the picture. - Scroll to jump to next News. - Facility to read each News in Racing World with integrated browser support. (Means no need to open a separate browser to read the complete story) - Scroll again to directly jump to next News story, without pressing the back key. - And much more…
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by User
Just right.
by Marcos
by David
As an avid F1 fan, it gives me the news I NEED!
by User
Nice Job!
by James
Love it
by Ted
Grazie F1
by nebi
by Jonathan
Nice app, could use some more detail info, but that's about it.