English (United States)
Name App : Quran Quiz
If you are Muslim you should try this App, answer the questions as much as 80 questions (soon the questions will many) and you have 10 seconds to answer, you should find out about this App, Download now!
Feature : - have 80 questions (soon I will add questions) - mark answered - share content - marked if you have answered question
Quran Quiz v : - add what have read and unread questions - New design - add Previous and Next questions button! - add questions (now have 80 questions ! ) - on the first page wrong and correct answer is marked - Fix major - Fix minor - new build
Quran Quiz v - fix minor bug - fix revision - add score - mark answered
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Great Effort by MAROOF
Jazakallah Khair for the app for free. Please make it little better, once you clinck an answer make it go forward or back to questions page. Thank You for a wonderful quiz on Quran.
Alhamduillah by Abdullah
Great for leaning About the Greatest Book ever.
all about religion by Heather Louise
Nonetheless, a great app; how is it that for only Windows is there this book, and not every other religion quiz. I see states and such. Is it because if you made a Bible one you'd be doing something wrong? Or in the eyes of someone you should be punished, but if you do this book, then you will not? Ahh, ever so often I say a little too much bit truth. Great book, of course.
layout incorrect by Nazri
the layout was wrong, and I cannot see the text on my 8inch tab
Superb App by Tufail
Great app for my son quiz. very informative. Could be made more interactive like if answer is true a SubhanAllah sound comes and if answer is wrong AwozBillah Sound comes, just a thought. any way good app. jazakAllah.
very good game mashallah by Mohamed
I love everything about it and gives me knowledge
Alhumdulillahi ribilalimeen this app is very beautiful by Chana
I just would like to be able to get a second chance to answer the question correctly or the questions that are incorrect should be shown and have the option to be answered at the end, after learning the correct answer. Inshallah ta ala... Jazakallah khiar, may Allah subhannah wa ta ala be pleased with your deed to help the ummah gain more knowledge.. Ameen ya allah