English (United States)
Boys & girls who love to drive the artistically designed trucks for Cargo transport gets ready to play PK Cargo Transport. In this game you try & prove your driving simulation skills by moving various kind of Cargo from one place to another successfully. While playing role of cargo truck driver you will also enjoy excellent background music i.e. The rubab which is known as "the lion of instruments" and is one of the two major music instruments being used in classical music in some parts of Asia. Cargo Truck used in the game displays the beautiful culture of Truck painting that is a popular form of indigenous art and featuring floral patterns and poetic calligraphy and we are sure that you will love to drive such decorative trucks and would accept the challenge.
How to play: 1. Accelerator button is on the right bottom side of the screen. 2. Gear is for forward and reverse. 3. Brake button is on the left side of the accelerator. 4. Steering is on the left bottom side of the screen.
We are thankful to Phool Patti Pakistan's truck artwork team for their support.
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What the ##### by Brandon
This game wont let you drive in pc why did you put this on here when you cant drive on pc
asome by damon
I like it
by D C
A nice clock racer. A physics engine for the cargo punishes reckless driving and accidents. But if you loose one piece its game over. The game could also use some better camera angles or maybe even a dynamic camera. A variety of controls would also be nice. Right now your stuck with a simulated steering wheel and digital pedals. Not a great setup.
dfjfdfdhbnhfffhdhfnfbfjfbfjnfhbdnfbnfnbfnfgnfffnfcbfnfb by MannyRichard
jjjfjfnfjvgkfgjgjtjgttjtjtjhnvngnfnfnfffghgghfhbbhg mjhhnnxhjcc jfhfjffjfjhfjfhjf jfjngghjgm many perez817nfngnfgjgfngmgngjgnfgjgnhjjgjjgjkjthtjthtjjthjtrjthjttjhrjthkjrrjjthtithjtjthntkjttjjrjhrjrhrkjtjnrktjtjtjujtjthgtjtjhtjthjfjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjjttjjjjtjttjtjjtjtjthttjtjttjtjttjtjttjjttjtjtjjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjjtjtjtjgjtjjrjtjtjggggghhhhghbhhhhnhnhhhn utjttkgkggggkjggkgggkmhgkjgjhkjgjtkgjgkgjgcmoggjgugjgjgjhjjkjtjtjtjtjjtjtcomhggggggggghgghhhhgghghhhhgghhhhhhhhhgvgvgggggghhgfghbhgccfgbcvcccvcbbvccx4jrjtihjfgturruf4uurirrurjhgthtuhrhrjrhgtjfhgghghgjghghggjgjggjkfhgjjgthjfhjgfjfhgjghgjggghfjfghfjghjggjhhgghghhghghggfghfjfjfhjfjhjijfjfjgjfgjgjjmfkfgjgjgjgjghjfkfjgjghgjgjjg fnfhnfnnffn jgjgjgngngngngngngnng fnhfnfbff bbbbfjfbbnfbnfrbffjjmfnjfkfhjfjhffjhfjhjfjfjfjfjjfghjtujgtjrhrithtjthtjthjtkthtkrhrkrhrhhgtjghgjghjgjghj 877hfhrhhdejdhbjrhrjrgrhrfrrrhgjreghhrhhrhrhjrh rurufjghjtrnhj
BAD by Dave
Great by Reyan
Great app with lovely sound tracks. Best steering handling then any other game. Integrated keyboard and mouse just disable rate and review option. Request: Introduce New trucks in bomb simulator.