English (United States)
Pitch Tracker is the simplest way to track pitch count and basic stats of little league pitchers! There are user-settable limits for pitch count Warnings, Planned Stop, and Hard-stop points. When these limits are reached a warning message is shown.
In-app purchasable add-ons allow for removal of banner ads and a Twitter feed of pitching stats.
The add-on for Twitter feeds allows friends and family to follow the action of your pitchers remotely! Once you've purchased the Twitter add-on you can enable it using the toggle switch on the settings screen.
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Nice and simple by Mark
No frills pitch tracker that counts balls, strikes and total pitches.
Simple, understandable and just what we need! by Erin
Helps us track how many pitches our little pitcher has thrown, helping us make sure we stay within little league limits. The Twitter feature is fun and our family watches the game.