English (United States)
My Life Story
It's time for you to start putting together things about your life. Just as you do a Will for your loved ones, you need to take another step and leave them something very precious. YOU!
Leaving loved ones a message, maybe just a " I love you" message... Any kind of message... The moment your no longer here, your loved ones want to hear you just one more time... Leave them something... Tell your stories, make everyone smile... Plus your life can be saved this way to be passed down. Treasures for the future. Do it for those you love because it would be a treasure for them. Do it for everyone you love.
In this app you can:
1. Tell your story. 2. Show who's in your family. 3. Who your friends are. 4. Leave messages for everyone. 5. Put important papers together. 6. Your will, final wishes, maybe attend your funeral with a message.
This puts together all the things your loved ones will need if, or when your day comes... Do it for them.... Tomorrow is not always going to be there, if you have loved ones be prepared, show you cared enough just in case...
Example: If you have children, you can make a video of you reading them their favorite bed time story, or saying their bedtime prayers with them. Anything you know would be special... Be a blessing to them...
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Complete Garbage! by Dayanjan
If you want to leave your story behind for your children, please do not use this app! It will only create more heartache. 1. Crashes continuously. Once it crashes, all of the recordings done cannot be accessed anymore. 2. Does not allow you to share the videos. Can only share screenshots. 3. No idea where the videos are being stored. Also does not let you pick the storage location. Whoever gave this a 5 star has no idea what they are talking about or has done so at the request of the developer. Wish Microsoft has a refund policy like google so I can get my money back!
Excellent by Unknown
The app "My life story" is wonderful. This is something that will last generation after generation. Children will know what there grandparents, great-grandparents looked like and so on. So much information that can put be on this about your family.
Great by Jusin
I use it as a diary