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***Your STARS SAY that YOU CAN WIN in this JACKPOT PARTY !*** You don’t have to grab your newspaper or checkout your favorite website to see what’s in store today. Download Horoscope, Zodiac and Astrology Slots now to be the master of your own fate. Horoscope, Zodiac and Astrology Slots is a free pokies slots game—your own private casino online—where you can play slots of fortune and win millions of points. There is no clairvoyance involved. You don’t have to know how to voyage through the astral plane. A click on Download and a willingness to play is all that is asked of you by the mysterious powers above. The creators of this slots machine are experienced free pokies app designers. This particular machine is a result of the collaborate efforts of programmers and astrologers. You may be a Taurus or a Virgo, but you can’t escape the magical spell of Venus that will make your forget all Las Vegas attractions. The horoscope symbols are updated everyone. You are sure to get your favorite sign—be it of love, work, or wellness. Download it now to let supernatural powers help you win really big in the world’s most magical jackpot casino. FEATURES · Star signs for everyone · Supernatural payouts · Free slots machine every week · 5000 free coins to get you going · High-definition (HD), crystal clear graphics · Free 20 new games every week · Massive bonuses · Topnotch performance across all Windows devices You don’t need an Ouija Board to play on this slots machine and win millions. A will is all that is asked of you. REVIEWS FROM THE ASTRAL PLANE · Quite amazing! I read my horoscope everyday and then play this game for at least two hours. · You’d try it! It’s so good you won’t be able to stop. · Supernatural, indeed! There is some supernatural power at work. Else, how could a scumbag like me win 10,000 points in an afternoon? · Straight from heaven! NOTE:
Please note that although Horoscope, Zodiac and Astrology Slots is a free game, you can convince the greater powers to help you in your quest for wealth by donating them MORE COINS bought with real money.
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Very low payout... by Mr
Just like most other games on here....odds of winning are pathetically LOW...plagued with "buy coins" every few minutes. Graphics and sound are nice but play time is very limited. Would be a great game to pass the time if I could actually spend some time playing it. Uninstalled.
feedback by Unknown
very addicting and passes time very fast
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fun game
Magic Horoscope by Marsha
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by David
It's a lot of fun
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Superior Graphics and Game Design. Music and background sounds were well thought out. I would buy this game. I highly recommended this game to my friends.
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