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Use your Windows device as a mirror, in completely free app and without ads :)
Features - picture from the front facing camera shown on full screen - possibility to flip the image and show it "as in real mirror" - now available in 8 world languages
Note: This application works only with devices that are equipped with front facing camera!
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obviously kinect is needed... by BallzThunder
for the one star review complaining about needing additional hardware, how did you expect it to work without a kinect? it does what its made to do and thats that
Works great on Xbox One, full screen mirror by Plamen
Don't know If I need such an app on Xbox One but why not have it, you never know when it might come handy. Works great, unlike the Kinect calibration menu it can show a full screen view of what Kinect sees. No other features than that, but it does what it's supposed to.
by Jerry
Does what it claims.... but seems to always show some ugly dude when I use it.
Works Perfectly by william
Need to see a screen behind me in a courtroom. This is perfect for that. Downside is that I can see myself. But you can't have everything.