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Prepare for WAR and play Kings of the Realm, the real time STRATEGY MMO for FREE! Join thousands of other players in a game of war and conquest - are you ready to take the throne?
The ultimate in STRATEGY games, Kings of the Realm is a fast paced MMO RTS of base building, territory capture and guild vs guild warfare. Set in a world of conquest and betrayal. You’ll need to build a mighty base, raid your enemies, help your guild and lead your commanders to victory.
Install this Free to Play MMORTS (Real Time Strategy) and join the WAR - NOW!
★★★★★ "Move Over GOW, this is war. A game to slay Game of War!" ★★★★★ "Great Game Love the strategy” ★★★★★ " Can't believe how good this game is!! Easily best strategy game out there”
PRESS REVIEWS: “If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “I just wish Sim City would make a Game of Thrones edition,” then you should immediately download Kings of the Realm.” – The Examiner “This game is an epic adventure that you should not miss. It will really test how good you are at strategy.” – Sodabang.com
Questions or feedback? Contact our Customer Support! Support:https://www.kingsoftherealm.com/support/ Forums: https://forums.kingsoftherealm.com/
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Simple, easy, and hard by Bill
Game is simple to learn; easy to play; and hard to master. Time passes quickly and game play is not so slow that you have buy coins like similar games,
by Евгений
The game not work on Russian regional WP market! Косорукие рукожопы вы чё там всё обновляете?!? Не работает нихуя у вас.Дебилы! The game not work!Stop on loading 40%(collecting of commanders). ...Update: Not work!... Not fix problems!No optimization! •Add Russian localization please!• Если поменять в настройках телефона регион на США,а язык на английский (тот же формат США) то игра прекрасно работает!!! Вопрос?-Зачем мне нужны такие пертурбации и заморочки??? Локализуйте и оптимизируйте игру на оба маркета!!!Ведь в Русском магазине тоже нужно все настройки менять,хотя там игра представлена на Русском языке!?!...Это косяк и его надо исправлять!!! ⚠ Please add Russian localization.⚠
Fun and casual strategy game by Adam
Plenty of orcas to attack and loot while you're encampment is building up. I also like that its easy to play on multiple divides. I'd like to see some more elements added in the future to add a bit more variety, but so the developers have done a great job at making a polished, balanced, entertaining game.
I could rate this game 5 stars by Lan
I rarely rate game and app but I have to say something about this. The game is so great. I loved it but there's something that make it the worst game I ever played. It keep resetting my progress. I could rate this game 5stars but.. you know... So. Please fix it !!
Great game by Jose
I like that you have to earn your way in to better weapons and warriors. And that you have to build your keep and attack nearby keeps.I don't like that you have to keep fighting the same orcs on every level, there should be a variety of foes to attack other than players. Another is the materials you obtain after every battle its difficult to get level 4-6 items. There should be a way to see troops coming in to gates and attack and keep to defend.