English (United States)
When was the last time you watered your favorite flowers? Did you forget to mow the lawn over the weekend? This app will help you look after your plants and your garden so you have them green all the time! Simply create your garden and enter your plants with their beautiful pictures, create tasks and reminders for each of your plants and let the app do the work for you! Take a picture, write a description - track their progress and beauty with the Timeline feature.
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I want to love this, but it just doesn't work well by Karen
I can't delete tasks in this! The option is there, but it doesn't work. Also, Some fields are required that I wish were optional. I don't want to be required to enter a day when I planted something. I wish I could just leave the day blank. Finally, it is missing some things I want, like an option for the plant type. I want to call it a Bush or a Shrub, but it's not an option in the drop down menu! Also, I would like to rearrange the photos in the lists or even resize them so they show better. I want this APP to work so bad because it really is the best garden app for showcasing your garden/photos, but it just isn't flexible. And not being able to remove my tasks is, hands down, the most frustrating! Also, the more pics and info I add, the more 'overloaded' it gets, so it stops responding and shuts down a lot. So... time for me to uninstall it. Sad because this app has so much potential.
Good. Could be much better. by Corey
It's early in the year still and I'm not sprouting or transplanting anything, so it's not of any use atm. Need more to look at, manage and do in between seasons. The obvious how-to vids and guides etc. A way for the users to connect and share. A system to track stats of varieties and weights. Here is a nice app with a lot of potential that fully lacks content that you yourself don't upload to it.
Could Be A LOT Better by Geri
This app is pretty lacking on my Windows 10 PC. The font is waaaaaaay too small and there is no adjustment for it in Settings. Everything must be entered by hand, unlike other, much better Android apps that complete info and provide data at the entry of a plant name. This is not at all what I expected nor wanted. I had hoped it would be much more intuitive. Overall, I'm finding that I prefer Android apps to Windows. There just isn't much of a selection and what's available isn't very good.
Potential to be great! by Tyiarra
Using this app on my laptop Win10. Love that I can track and note my plants progress and key notes for my following year, BUT I cannot read the whole description without going into the edit form and scrolling through the single line of text to get the entire note. Otherwise Id give it 5 stars!!
Too Simple by Jacqueline
It's nice if you just want a planner and you put in all the info. I wish it supplied tips or information on plants and gardening. Uninstalling.
Nice app... by Ryan
This is a very nice app, it lets you manage your gardens just like I've always wanted, but I cannot get it to delete or mark tasks as done.