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Green Garden - Herb Community
Be free & erect your own alternative commune.
Have you ever dreamed of escaping society and grow your own food on a remote farm? No you can live every stressed persons dream and plant your own herbs.
Design your own little farmer firm by growing your first strains from selected seeds. Create workshops to process them to life changing products and provide them to your friends and neighbors. And when you're exhausted at 420 just lean back and watch your helpers do all the work… when they are not “busy” with other things again.
Enjoy the story: Green Garden was a nice little hippie villag. Love, peace and happiness everywhere but one evil man however decided to destroy this perfect idyll. Now we trust in you to take on your destiny as a herb farmer and rebuild our commune.
Features in this simulation game: ✓ Lovely handdrawn characters and graphics ✓ Grow herbs, coffee plants, mushrooms and many more. ✓ Build workshops to take care of your weed. ✓ Visit villages and gardens of your friends ✓ Play offline
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by aj
My id: w2b27h
Windows by arshia
Windows version, Doesn't work!
terrible game by Unknown
doesn't work wont let you do nothing at all its a pointless game