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This App. collects GPS location data on your Windows Phone. It can be used as a record of a bicycle, a jogging, or a walking. Two or more saved records can be displayed. New! Aug.2014 The function which displays a speed bar during a run is added. This displays average speed and the present speed visually. It displays as follows. -green: faster than target speed -yellow: slower than target speed -red: slower than 80% of target speed If you buy this application, a log map screen has the function to capture and it saves in "saved pictures". This application can continue log under the phone locked. (It can turn OFF in a "Settings".) It can avoid a screen lock during this application use. (It can turn OFF in a "Settings".) With the paid edition, a background image can be changed freely. That in which the log passed over 30 days is deleted at the next application start-up. [Privacy statement] No location data will be shared by this application. No function in this application disclose your data. Screen shot is only saved to your picture library, and is never disclosed by this application. Checked model: IS12T(Windows Phone 7.8)、Lumia525(Windows Phone 8.1)