Deutsch (Deutschland) English (United States)
This App shows all your birthdays from Contacts, Calendar, Notefield and it show the Birthdays of VIPs and the birthdays of your friends from Facebook. Content & Functions: - Alle Contacts (All birthdays from your contacts) - 30 Days (Birthdays from contacts for the next 30 days) - Calendar (All birthdays from Calendar) - Notefield (All own birthdays from notefield aof contacts) - Celebrities (Birthdays of VIPs on this day, online) - Facebook (Birhdays of your friends, sorted, online) Additional functions: - All Contacts & 30 Days: send a message per email or SMS - Facebook: Click=Detail informations of the friend Birthdays: Shows the birthdays from contacts as sorted list with name, birtdaydate, age, days until birthday. A special case are the birthdays from the note field. Save more birthdays in a contact note field in this format (#dd.MM.yyyy#Name#), e.g.: #06.07.1964#Paula Panke# #12.01.1991#Max Maier# Additional the App show other birtdays of celebrated public characters on the actual day. But you can also choice the date and see it on your birthday.
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