Français (France)
Fundox is both a Scrabble-like word game and a tactical game like Reversi/Othello, free and with no advertising.
You can compete against other players or play alone against one or more robots.
Games take place in real time. Players -up to 4- must place words on a 13x13 squares board. The rack has 7 letters, shared by all participants.
Each player has their own color : red (1st player) and then green, blue and yellow.
Suppose that you are the "red" player : when your words reuse tiles already placed by an opponent, all these tiles become red. You have "stolen" them, and the corresponding points become yours.
As opposed to Scrabble, each letter has a value of 1 point, and there are no "multiplication squares".
The game ends when a player has reached a target chosen by the "captain", generally between 30 and 50 points.
When you load the game for the first time, you must register: just choose a nickname and a password. Nothing else is required.
Once you are logged in, click "JOIN" under a table. If the table was empty, you can either wait for an opponent or start right now a game against a robot: tick a robot on the right side, choose its strength between 1200 (very easy) and 3000 (very strong) and click the "START" button.
Before starting the game, you can change the default options ("OPTIONS" button).
You can play with the mouse and also with the keyboard: click on the square where the word must start and then type in this word. Click twice on the square to change the orientation.
You can chat with other players and observe running games ("OBSERVE" buttons).
You can also create a profile: avatar, presentation... to see the profile of another player, put your mouse pointer over their male / female icon.
There is a mobile version of the game, see the home page. From the home page, you can also play in French and German.
+ many other features (definition of the words and so on).