English (United States)
From Vault-Tec and RobCo Industries comes the Pip-Boy: America’s finest, easiest-to-use personal information processor.
CREATING AN ELECTRONIC BOND This app lets your portable device interact with Fallout 4 on your Xbox One, PlayStation 4 or PC. Away from your game system? No problem! Pip-Boy will remember your status and allow you to access your data while on the go.
SYNCRONIZED TO YOUR TERMINAL Improve your life by integrating completely with Fallout 4. Check your Stats, Inventory, Map, Radio and even play your holotape games all from the convenience of your Pip-Boy application.
MINI GAME MANIA Thanks to revolutionary advances in emulation technology, you can now play holotape games on your Pip-Boy. Atomic Command included free!
MADE JUST FOR YOU Designed for both new Vault Dwellers and those already familiar with the dangers of the Wasteland!
FALLOUT 4 PIP-BOY EDITION COMPATIBILITY Did you purchase the Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition for your favorite game system? Make sure to snap in your phone device for the complete Pip-Boy experience!
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by Esteban
Love that WP users weren't left behind! Bethesda is the best! Fingers crossed for Fallout Shelter.
by Thomas
Looks great, and works as advertised! Thanks for coming to WP!
by Carlos
automatic 5 for even remembering us windows phone users. dang was not expecting this at all. how about getting us that vault dweller app while you're at it too?
by Janeisha
Please, please bring Fallout Shelter to Windows Phones!!!!
by Robert
If you're having problems, try uninstalling and reinstalling a few times. I only had to do it once and it works great now! Thank you Bethesda. You take care of me better than ZOS does, and I appreciate it. Would love to see more added to this, as well as see Fallout Shelter added to Windows Phone. Thanks again!
by Micah
by Joel
OMG thank you guys!!! Finally someone has a brain and develops for Windows Phone! Just bought the game ( its installing still) and can't wait!!! This app so far looks amazing and feels good. I'll submit another review later.
by Matthew
Thanks for supporting Windows Phone! App works perfectly. One of the best if not the best companion app on Windows Phone. Two issues though. Apps full screen setting never goes full screen and the app drains battery rapidly and makes my phone really hot but those could just be issues with my phone (M8) and not the app.