English (United States) Español (España Alfabetización Internacional) 日本語 (日本) 中文(中华人民共和国) 中文(香港特別行政區)
European war 2 is a new style strategy game on the background of WWⅡ(Super Risk). In the game depending on troops you can compete for territories such as lands,cities and oceans,further for resources,develop economy and military,conquer enemies' capitals and destory the enemies.There are 28 European countries including more than 200 land and sea areas,you can choose 12 countries from the Axis Powers and the Allies while enjoying kinds of game modes.
During the game you need to operate and distribute the three basic troops reasonably which include soldiers,tanks and artillery.(Soldier troop with high yields but general attack,tank troop with high attack and continue action when complete destroying the enemies,artillery troop attacks soldier troop and tank troop while they cannot strike back),judge on the current situation correctly at any time for the AI is outstanding.The attributes of arms are different from each country.For example,the tank of Germany is most powerful but with high price,the soldier of Soviet Union is cheapest,the navy of Britain is best.
In the game you need to use military cards to cooperate to the battle. - Soldier Card (produce soldier troops) - Tank Card (produce tank troops) - Artillery Card (produce artillery troops) - Battleship Card (take actions on the sea ) - Fortress Card (cannot move and attack during 3 rounds but improve defending) - Construction Card (construct territories,improve taxes, highest level can draft army troop ) - Airstrike Card (Air attack the enemy of adjacent territory) - General Card(equip a general to the troop for enhancing the attacking power) - Marshal Card(equip a marshal to the troop for enhancing the defending power) - Special Card (only owned by Germany,Soviet Union,Britain,France,Italy and used once every 7 rounds.)
Include two modes: conquest mode and battle mode
Conquest mode:choose one country from the 12 of the Axis Powers and the Allies to dominate Europe.The others will be your allies,enemies and neutral. Battle mode:the main line to 4 countries (Germany,Britain,France,Soviet Union),16 battles for the game.
Germany Chapter 1 Blitzkrieg Chapter 2 Maginot Line Chapter 3 Operation Barbarossa Chapter 4 Top of Europe
Britain Chapter 1 England Channel Chapter 2 North Africa Chapter 3 Battle of Berlin Chapter 4 Battle of Eastern Europe
France Chapter 1 Defend The Motherland Chapter 2 Battle of Apennine Chapter 3 Battle of Balkan Chapter 4 Battle of Eastern Europe
Soviet Union Chapter 1 Defend The Moscow Chapter 2 Counter Attack Chapter 3 Duel Chapter 4 Top of Europe
Magnificent fighting music and sound can make you feel involvement.
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Fun by Brian
I like this game. The turn based combat is engaging. It is simple to pick up, but still interesting enough to play for hours. Not bad for a touch based tablet game.
I regret buying by J
This is a bad game do not buy!
LOve it by Ryan
I love it :)