English (United States)
The #1 Drudge Report reader, now available as a Windows 10 universal app!
Drudge Live provides live updates to the best curated news links and images available on the Internet, in a modern Windows app layout that you may actually find preferable to the legendary website.
Drudge Live is a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app that can be used on any Windows 10 device, including desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, Xbox, and HoloLens. See the Release Notes below for details about all the new features available in the latest version.
The app automatically keeps track of the links you have clicked, so any new links will pop right off the page. You can even play a custom sound effect, notifying you of when the links or images have been changed... live as it happens.
We will send you a real-time notification any time a new "siren" headline is published on Drudge Report. The Drudge Live app does not need to be open to receive real-time alerts.
Stay right in the app as you visit the news links, or launch any news link into an external web browser if you wish.
Leave the app open, either full-screen or as a sidebar on a PC or tablet, and it will continually keep up-to-date with LIVE updates. Perfect for news junkies who want to stay on top of today's events as they happen!
With the Recent News Stories view, you can dock the app to the side of your PC screen and constantly be updated with the latest news during the day as you work.
The single column mode is perfect for mobile devices with limited screen space. You can scroll through the entire list of news stories in one vertically-scrolling column instead of using the classic Drudge Report format.
Because this is a Windows universal app, your clicked links, and favorites are synced between your Windows Phone, desktop, tablet, and any other Windows devices you use, creating the perfect seamless experience for you.
Best of all the app is completely FREE!
Give Drudge Live a try today, and if you like it please be sure to rate our app 5 stars!
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I'm tired of being lied to. I don't have time to sift through the headlines to try and figure out what is real. my head was ready to explode when I discovered Drudge Live by accident. It's only been a few months but I feel safe, protected, like my parents are talking to and guiding me. I think I'll relax and have that rare second cup of coffee before heading out. I realize you support yourself through advertisements but must you have that annoying, distracting one at the bottom? I read shortly after awakening and I'm not a morning person. Thanks.
REAL NEWS by DeathDealer FNG
the drudge report and breitbart news is where I get my news, I used to use A.p. or CNN, but you can't trust there info anymore
Wow by Shffty
Actually legit real news!!! Refreshing(:
Great app to stay on top of the news
by Vince
better than NYT, CBS, NBC, ABC and their cable brothers by Unknown
a little of everything, shows how mindless the media is
Great source for information by BATMAN
Great source for information around the world. Keep up the awesome work that keep us from believing the fake main stream media!