English (United States)
DOSBox emulator port for Windows Phone. Not all DOS games are supported (due to the ARM CPU performance and hardware limitations) but a lot of good old games (including Sierra's quests, Warcraft, Heroes of Might & Magic and many more) are working fine. Its also possible to run Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 on phone!
Unfortunately, Microsoft blocked direct access to sd-cards for the store apps. If you still want direct access to sd-card (and avoid files synchronization) please find my post on xda-developers.com forum and sideload the app.
I recommend to use BT keyboard and mouse with the emulator. Also, XBox & MOGA controllers are supported.
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I'm so glad to see this emu here. by Yossi
Update 2: I have tried the relative mouse in the last version, and this is a big update for me. Cause I can make the right click to work and the drag objects in the screen works great with this option. Thanks man, it was really quick. ☺ I think now the last think that remains is that in VGA mode the the screen keeps its ratio (which is great) but when it dose it has black areas on the sides. When you move the mouse (happens with relative mode and Bluetooth mouse) out of the left edge it puts the mouse on the end of the screen instead of x=0. Thanks man for the great app. Update: The last update fixed the mouse issue, well done!! It works great on my phone ☺ (even Warcraft games work flawless). I hope there is a UWP app in the way too, and then I'll be able to play Warcraft using continuum and mouse and keyboard everywhere. .
by Maya
WOW! Never expected to get DOSBox on my Windows phone!
Great but still less than perfect by Garren
This is a great port of DOSBox, but I would still love to see it as a UWP app. I'd love to play some old DOS games on an external monitor when in Continuum mode. Thanks in advance for your kind consideration developers.
by Boris
Wow, DOSBox on WP platform! Unbelievable! Thanks a lot devs, going to purchase, definitely!
Must have by Kristjan
Continuum support please
by emanoel
Very good!!!