English (United States)
For chess players seeking to improve their game nothing is more helpful than studying chess problems. With over 10,000 problem, the ChessTactics app lets you practice finding the best move for a given position, and lets you review the solution move by move.
Problems are not all "Mate in 2" style problems. Some are piece exchanges where you come out on top, some are about getting out of a tricky situation, and a few are positions where you're best moves force a stalemate. If you see a problem where you don't think the solution is correct, please email the ProblemID and your proposed solution.
Each problem is rated based on it's difficulty. There is an option to include time in the scoring which may be useful if you frequently play timed games.
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Really just useless by Blake
Without some form of explanation this is a waste if time
Chasam by charles
No info on how to play or use app.
Chess tactics review by Laurence
Good tactics training app. I like the big board. I prefer the highlight the initial square highlight the destination square to the drag and drop. Excellent training module for tactics. What else can I say. Bring it on!!
Great App by Horace
Lots of chess puzzles. Great practice!
excellent program by Archie
like a real game of chess this program throws a bunch of positions at the player asking him or her to solve them. there are problems for all skill levels and although solutions are not given when a wrong answer is chosen this program can help players improve their game. the lack of a solution given during wrong answers is why this is not a 5 star program.
its confusing by mehars
just confusing I don't even know what to do
a good game by njotta
good game, some problems seem be very easy, I enjoy playing it. thanks.
Good problem solving game. by Max
I enjoy the problems. There is a good range of difficulty and the program tries to account for the user's abilities. But it doesn't really teach you tactics so much as just offer problems to solve.