English (United States)
Blade Shadow,developed by A-onesoft and published by Miracle Games,is an MMOACT mobile game, the first hand gesture operation fight game in Windows Phone Store! Hand gesture operation, combo strike, super cool skills and strong PK make the game much more fantastic. The involving sense and super real hitting bring extraordinary game experience! What's more, players can enjoy Arena, Boss Instance, Team Instance, Survival Challenge and other fun game play. Also they can unite the skills of down-sweep, jump dodge and stun to improve the battle game experience and pleasure!
Miracle Games is an important partner of Microsoft Global Independent Software Vendor(ISV). Microsoft Azure provides the technical support
Contact us Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sword-Soul-for-WP-959794114152058/ QQ Group:319925103 VIP SKYPE:Miracle Games MG official website:http://www.mguwp.com
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by Ivan
First of all, the "good reviews" are from the same person or 2. The names are bogus, all come from the same phone and repeated words. They say the same thing over and over, "good game surprise attacks" etc. That's dumb.
by jerimie
Still no answer why they're taking purchases and not giving items, guess ill report this app again.
by richard
Does this game gone down forever?? please verify as fast as you could. Thanks.
by Leo Oliveira
Unfortunately the game crash every time when finish the trial cave. Fix it please guys .. The game have alot potential!
by Zaqueu
Close in the next tutorial party
by Дмитрий
Ваше говно полное не робит вылетает при заходе в портал сделайте что нибудь с этим либо я вас покораю во имя алаха теаля