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Become an alchemist! You have just four basic elements to start with - water, fire, air and earth. What can you create and discover with them? Game contains more than 830 different elements - unlock them all and win all available awards! You can sync your progress using Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter or Google and play on all your devices. If you get stuck, use hints to get a clue!
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Make more elements I'm having fun by Hydra
Almost perfect by Mary B
The items you make are in alphabetic order, but you can't choose a specific letter to jump down (or up) the list. Will be inconvenient scrolling through hundreds of items every time you need one from your list. It's fun being surprised with new items when you put two "right" items together. UPDATE: it would be easier if in addition to the new item made, the combination items would remain on the board along with the new one. It's inconvenient having to re-acquire them from the list. LOVE THIS GAME! RE: FILTER : Please limit filter results to only pertain to FIRST letter of the item.
I had forgotten....... by cynthia
how much fun the original game was!! Mix and match items and see what happens....hint-- always put together TWO of whatever item just arrived because in most cases two of something makes a NEW something. There was an update of this game 12/20/16.....Over 700 items to find, now. A check mark now indicates the END of that 'line'! If you have an Ounce of curiosity, this is a game for you!! Try to 'build'a house.....and remember, , you want to see outside your house......(I am soooo bad!) Have fun...because I am....want you to, too! (See!)
So. Much. FUN! by Cathy
This is highly addictive. I love how you just drag and drop compatible elements and POOF! New element! I don't like how hard it is to put down. ;-)
slight glitches by Ryan
when you hit the wrench icon and move while its open, it doesnt open again. please fix