English (United States)
A brand new game exclusive to the Windows 10 ecosystem.
Addictionary is a word game where the premise is to find the word given 12 letters, and two definitions for that word. An addictive game for puzzle lovers of all ages. Also not a bad way to learn some new words and their definitions.
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Super cool! by Dakota
English as a Second Language? by Thomas
Hints are poorly constructed. Went to level 40+ only to learn that the words are still 3 letters. Exceedingly boring game.
most haunted game ever by Kyle
I had 30 ghost. Then zero, then one. Then I found this game. five stars make my suggested pyramid scheme game, -trump edition! Excellent upcoming programmer, Soon to be in Teslas as a stoplight waiting game.
Great idea by Eagle
In terms of the game it's a good start, maybe you can consider in improving the interface design.
much fun so happy by Julie
game fun good timez